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Health Office

Health Office / Homepage


Our office is staffed by the District Site Nurse, Amie Burns, RN, Savannah DeMott, LVN, and the Health Clerk Laura Silva. Please feel free to contact either of us during school hours with any questions or concerns you may have regarding the health of your child. We can also be contacted via email. Please review the information on this webpage for information that will help the healthcare needs of your student.

The Health Office phone number is 695-7370 ext 4085
Amie Burns RN

Savannah DeMott LVN

Laura Silva



Check with your physician and make sure your student is up to date on all immunizations.
For those student's currently in 6th grade, please get your Tdap vaccine and 2 doses of the Varicella vaccine before entering 7th grade and turn in proof of your child's immunization record to the health office.  Children are exempt from immunization requirements only if a parent or guardian submits a Medical Exemption through the California Immunization Registry (CAIR-ME) website.
Under a new law known as SB277, beginning January 1, 2016 exemptions based on personal beliefs, including religious beliefs will no longer be an option for the vaccines that are currently required for entry to a school in California. Most families will not be affected by the new law because their children have received all required vaccinations. Personal beliefs exemptions on file for a child already attending school will remain valid until the child reaches the next immunization checkpoint at kindergarten (including transitional kindergarten) or 7th grade.

For more information about SB277, please see the frequently asked questions available at Shots for Schools Webpage. 

"Healthy Students Learn Better"

Students should not be sent to school with symptoms listed below:
Fever {100 or above)
Nausea with or without vomiting
Pain that is not controlled
Flu symptoms
Students may return to school:
When they are fever free for 24 hours
When they have not vomited or had diarrhea for the last 24 hours


"Students with Injuries" 

If your student, whether for an injury or illness, is to be excused from PE they MUST have a note. 

Students can be excused from participating in PE for up to 3 days with a parent note. If a student needs to be out longer than 3 days, a doctor's note is required.
Doctor's notes will be followed as prescribed. Please make sure there is a beginning and end date and that your doctor is specific as to what your student can or cannot do. Students who are not allowed to participate in any PE activities per the doctor's orders will be sent to the library for "Medical PE".
If a student needs to use crutches or wear a brace etc, or any "orthopedic equipment" it must be included in the doctor's note. A student may be excluded from school without a note for this equipment.

"Medication Authorization"
Any medications given at school must be accompanied by a Physicians Authorization. This included over-the-counter medications. Students may not'
carry medication with them with the exception of an Epinephrine pen or emergency inhaler (a doctor's authorization is still required to self-carry these medications}.