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Helpful 8th Grade Information


22-23 8th Grade End of Year Activities – Participation Requirements

It is important for eighth grade students and their parents to understand the requirements for promotion as well as participation in eighth grade promotion activities.  The eighth grade promotion activities include the Knott’s Berry Farm trip, promotion luncheon, as well as the eighth grade promotion ceremony.  Follows are the requirements for participation:

  1. Grade Point Average (GPA)Eighth grade students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or above throughout the year to become eligible for all Eighth grade promotion activities.  This GPA is the average of both 1st and 2nd semester GPAs. 
  2. Discipline – Student eligibility for all Eighth grade promotion activities are based on the number of discipline points they have received.  Discipline points are cumulative throughout the year (not just second semester).
    1. Knott’s Berry Farm Trip (June 1) – Eighth grade students who have 12 or more points for the entire year will not be eligible for the Knott’s Berry Farm trip.  Eligibility will be determined on May 26th.
    2. Promotion Luncheon (June 5) – Eighth grade students who reach 15 or more points, may not attend the event.  Eligibility will be determined on May 31st.
    3. Eighth Grade Promotion Ceremony (June 9) – Eighth grade students who have accumulated 20 or more points will not be allowed to attend the 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony.  Eligibility will be determined on June 6th.  Students not participating in the promotion ceremony may still be eligible for promotion to the next grade provided they have met the academic requirements.

A cumulative grade point average is an average of a student’s 1st and 2nd semester grades.  When calculating a grade point average (GPA), each letter is worth a certain amount of points:

A = 4 points
B = 3 points
C = 2 points
D = 1 point
F = 0 points

When you are calculating the GPA, simply give each grade a numerical value, add the points together and divide the total by the number of grades.

To calculate the cumulative GPA, add the GPA from the 1st semester and 2nd semester and divide the total by 2.

Example:  1st Semester GPA = 2.5 + 2nd Semester GPA = 3.2 = 5.7 

Total:   5.7 / 2 = 2.85 = Cumulative GPA


Eligibility for high school sports and extracurricular activities, as a freshman, is based on the second semester grades from middle school.  By board policy, students must have a 2.0 grade point average (GPA) in order to compete.  If not attained, the student may be placed on probation until they receive the first progress report during their freshman year.